The Beginners and Advanced workshops are designed to accommodate ages 17 years and up. We have even had a 66 year old complete a beginners workshop.
You would have needed to attend a Beginner’s Workshop in order to qualify for the Advanced Workshop, unless otherwise arranged with Simoné.
All workshops (excluding Advanced) are geared towards actors with no, limited or previous experience. Everyone is welcome.
Beginners and Advanced: Dress in neutral colored clothing (preferable black) and learn to release any judgment or self consciousness about body size and shape. Wear low heeled soft shoes, thin-soled sneakers, yoga socks, or bare feet. No running shoes. No jewelry, perfume, or cologne. Long hair should be tied up and kept out of the face.
No refunds to be given to students who started or completed the workshop. Should you pay and cancel for any reason before the workshop started only a 50% refund will be paid into your account.
Dates are limited to Simoné’s schedule. All dates to each workshop will be communicated on our website and instagram account. Please follow us for more information – @artofactingsa
Beginner’s: 14 students
Advanced: 12 students